Thursday, June 27, 2024

FS NBTM Tour: Lesser Known Travel Tips Series by Yeats

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual Name Before the Masses Tour for Lesser Known Travel Tips Series by Yeats, a humor/memoir available now. The tour will run every Tuesday and Thursday for 15 weeks starting on July 30. Prewritten guest blogs and interviews, along with promo posts, and reviews are available. Please specify which type of stop you’d like when you ask to host this tour. Book one is available in PDF and ePub formats for review.

Prizes for the tour are as follows:

• One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $25 Amazon/ gift card
• One randomly chosen host will receive a $25 Amazon/ gift card

The Lesser Known Travel Tips memoirs are a hilarious series of travel misadventures and dubious personal introspection by Australian author Simon Yeats, who from an early age learned that the best way to approach the misfortunes of this world is to laugh about them.

Simon shares his comedic insights into the unusual and uproarious elements of living life as an Aussie ex-pat and having a sense of Wanderlust as pervasive as the Spanish Flu in 1918 or hordes of Mongols in 12th Century.

From how to keep yourself entertained when unwittingly forced to watch 11 hours of live sumo wrestling in Japan, to surviving heartbreak in India at the hands of a French flight attendant, to 48 hours spent in Nepal that qualify as the funniest most gut wrenching travel experience since Captain Bligh was set adrift in the Pacific, to his unsuccessful attempts at avoiding going to a brothel in Thailand. From what to do when several people converge to rob you after midnight on a deserted Copacabana Beach, to how to save the Sierra Mountain Range from a wildfire outbreak due to a lack of quality toilet paper, to where not to go in Tijuana when trying to locate the origins to stories of the city’s mythical adult entertainment, to how to save yourself from drowning when caught in a storm while sailing off the California coast. From how to outwit the Italian police while trying to find parking in downtown Genoa, to how to negotiate exploring the Roman ruins of Plovdiv, Bulgaria while on crutches, to how to impress the German Mafia with 80s dance moves, to how to leave a lasting impression on a crowded bar in Gothenburg, Sweden after combining alcohol and antibiotics.

Simon Yeats has gone into the world and experienced all the out of the ordinary moments for you to sit back and enjoy the experience without the need to break a leg, contract Dengue fever, or rupture a pancreas.

July 30:
August 1:
August 6:
August 8:
August 13:
August 15:
August 20:
August 22:
August 27:
August 29:
September 3:
September 5:
September 10:
September 12:
September 17:
September 19:
September 24:
September 26:
October 1:
October 3:
October 8:
October 10:
October 15:
October 17:
October 22:
October 24:
October 29:
October 31:
November 5:
November 7: