Congratulations to the winners of the $10 Amazon GCs for commenting: Mary Preston, Catherine Lee, Arthur Caudill and to The Forbidden Bookshelf for having the most comments.
Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a virtual book tour for Louisa Master's upcoming release, Inter-Office Relations, a contemporary erotic romance available 12/9/11 from The Wild Rose Press. The tour will run January 23 - 27, 2012 and Louisa is available for guest blogs or interviews. Additionally, a PDF copy of the book is available for review in conjuction with a post or interview.
Louisa will be giving away three $10 Amazon GCs to randomly drawn commenters during the tour and to the host with the most comments (excluding Louisa's and the host's).
With her resignation submitted, Jeannie Price has one last task she’s itching to perform before leaving her job. After months of sitting next to hot, sexy colleague Tim Harding, it’s time to turn fantasy into reality with a scorching invitation to collaborate on matters of the flesh in Conference Room B. Then she can walk away without regrets.
Tim’s dreams of wild, sweaty sex with Jeannie come true when he accepts her offer, but he’s stunned to learn she doesn’t want to see him again after their steamy tryst. She may be trying to brush him off as just one more item on her To-Do List, but he’s determined to convince her there’s nothing taboo about inter-office relations.
January 23: Erotica For All
January 24: The Forbidden Bookshelf
January 25: Carrie Ann Ryan's Blog
January 26: Romance with Attitude
January 27: Louisa Bacio -- Love Knows No Bounds