Saturday, June 8, 2024

Book Blast: Dungeon of Horrors by Hawk MacKinney

Thank you for your interest in hosting this tour, but all the stops have now been filled.

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual Book Blast Tour for Dungeon of Horrors by Hawk MacKinney, a Suspense/Thriller available now from Speaking Volumes Publishing. The Book Blast Tour will take place on June 24 - June 28. This tour will not include interviews or guest blogs; however, a blurb, excerpt and author bio will be provided to every host for inclusion on their blog. A PDF or ePub copy of the book is available for review.

Hawk MacKinney will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn host.

The bank’s newest Trust Officer Terri Stanley prepares the requested department’s internal audit. Finding puzzling inconsistencies and a jumble of misappropriations and unexplained offshore accounts, she follows protocol and immediately punches in the listed number for the Executor-Trustee, Craige Ingram.

Wealthy land owner/parttime PI Craige Ingram reaches the file back to homicide Lt. Grayson MacGerald after finishing a quick read-through of the preliminary forensic report from Coroner Fred Dinkins on the unexpected death of bank President Royce Sedgewicke. Dinkins’ meticulous autopsy findings verify that a massive apparent heart attack was not from natural causes, confirming what these longtime SEAL buddies suspected.

When Ingram gets a call from Terri Stanley, the bank’s attractive, newly-hired Trust Officer, wanting to discuss in confidence possible account irregularities discovered during her audit, he never imagines the twisted world of money and greed that would involve a psychopath’s trail of bloody body parts strewn along Ingram's river property, or that Terri and her son would disappear.

Confronted by a race against time, Ingram fears that Terri might become one more on the list of dead who crossed a twisted mind bent on thrill-kills and retribution.

June 24

1: Kenyan Poet
2: tory richards
3:  Stormy Nights Reviewing & Bloggin'
4: Straight From the Library
5: Author C.A.Milson
6: Tina Donahue Books - Heat with Heart
7: Sapphyria's Books

June 25

1: It's Raining Books
2: Edgar's Books
3: Sandra's Book Club
4: Momma Says: To Read or Not to Read
5: Fabulous and Brunette
6: A Wonderful World of Words
7: Christine Young

June 26

1: Welcome to My World of Dreams
2: Iron Canuck Reviews & More
4:Our Town Book Reviews
5: Westveil Publishing
6: Wendi Zwaduk - Romance to Make Your Heart Race
7: D. S. Dehel

June 27

1: The Faerie Review
2: Country Mamas With Kids review
3: Beyond Romance
4: Long and Short Reviews
5: Dawn's Reading Nook
6: Author Deborah A. Bailey Blog
7: Hope. Dreams. Life... Love
8: Read book. Repeat.

June 28

1: Literary Gold
2: Punya Reviews...
3: The Key of Love
4: Celticlady's Reviews
5: Hollies, Happiness, and Healing
6: Teatime and Books