Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Book Blast: Shushan Portal: Behind the Hollyhock Hedge by Gloria Pearson-Vasey

Congratulations to tour winner Jeanna M. and to host winner Books, Ramblings, and Tea.
Thank you for your interest in hosting this tour, but all the stops have now been filled.

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual Book Blast Tour for Shushan Portal: Behind the Hollyhock Hedge by Gloria Pearson-Vasey, a Science Fiction/Thriller available now from Tellwell. The Book Blast Tour will take place on July 8 - 12, 2024. This tour will not include interviews or guest blogs; however, a blurb, excerpt and author bio will be provided to every host for inclusion on their blog. A PDF or ePub copy of the book is available for review.

Gloria Pearson-Vasey will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn host.

After her sister dies, Meara Deleaney invites her bereaved nephew, Jackson, to accompany her on a book tour to Canada's Atlantic provinces. Fearful of leaving the security of her apartment, Meara bolsters her courage by recalling the imaginary dragons she and her sister slew as children behind the hollyhock hedge.

As they travel in a motorhome from park to park and bookstore to bookstore, Meara and Jackson are unaware of the manipulating forces intent on preventing their return home. They do, however, realize they are being stalked and therefore welcome the company of another touring author, criminology professor Bartholomew Wolfe.

A long-standing professional relationship between the authors builds to romance and a persuasive invitation to seek shelter at the professor's lodge. However, to reach the lodge, Meara—now accompanied by her nephew, niece and mother—unsuspectingly travels through a portal which exits in a future dimension near a fortress.

From there, the family is escorted under guard through dangerous territory to a lodge where metaphorical dragons lie in wait, and security comes at a price.

July 8

1: Books, Ramblings, and Tea
2: The Faerie Review
3: It's Raining Books
4: Author C.A.Milson
5: Tina Donahue Books - Heat with Heart
6: Wendi Zwaduk - Romance to Make Your Heart Race
7: Hope. Dreams. Life... Love

July 9

1: The Avid Reader
2: Momma Says: To Read or Not to Read
3: fundinmental
4: Long and Short Reviews
5: Our Town Book Reviews
6: Sapphyria's Books
7: Christine Young

July 10

1: Literary Gold
2: Sandra's Book Club
3: Dawn's Reading Nook
5: Country Mamas With Kids
6: Straight From the Library
7: D. S. Dehel

July 11

1: Read Your Writes Book Reviews
2: Fabulous and Brunette
3: Kenyan Poet
4: Welcome to My World of Dreams
5: Westveil Publishing
6: A Wonderful World of Words
7: Author Deborah A. Bailey Blog

July 12

1: Guatemala Paula Loves to Read review
2: Iron Canuck Reviews & More
3: The Key of Love
4: Moonlight Compass Books
5: Coffee and Wander Book Reviews
6: Teatime and Books