Thank you for your interest, but this tour is full.
The winner of the $10 Amazon Gift Card for commenting was Sherry at the Book Junkie blog.
The winner of the Hostess Prize for the most commenters was Brande at the Book Junkie blog, where there were 26 unique visitors.
I'm also awarding a Bonus Prize to Mary P, who was chosen from among the commenters who came to 2 or more stops. She gets a free copy of Under Wraps.
Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual Book Tour for Patricia Green's latest novel, Under Wraps, an erotic historical romance published through New Dawning Bookfair. The tour will run July 25-29, and Patricia will be available for guest blogs or interviews.
Patricia will be giving away a $10 Amazon gift card to one randomly drawn commenter and to the host with the most comments (excluding Patricia's or the host's own).
Glee Elizabeth Montrose is an eccentric heiress with an entourage consisting of two eunuchs and a mute maid. A confirmed "bachelor," she's traveling across the US to escape Boston's restrictive culture and an unpleasant reunion with the Sultan of Constantinople. Her goal is to reach her inherited rancho in California where she can finish writing her father's final book manuscript in peace.AVAILABLE DATES:
Esteban Garcia is an alleged murderer being dragged across the US by a drunken bounty-hunter/trail guide. Garcia insists that he is a victim of mistaken identity and is Alejandro Pacheco, owner of a rancho in northern California.
Attracted as she is to Esteban/Alejandro, Glee remains unsure whether to believe him or not. Is he a despicable murderer and thief?
7/25/2011 Getting Naughty Between the Stacks
7/26/2011 The Forbidden Bookshelf
7/27/2011 Book Junkie
News and Reviews from the Heart of the Dragon's Den
7/28/2011 Sexy Lady
7/29/2011 Sugarbeat's Books
Want to host Patricia on your site? Please email us at goddessfish at gmail dot com.