The Green Stone of Healing® fictional epic explores what happens when politics and piety collide in an island nation called Azgard.
Theocrats plot to impose total control over Azgard but end up destroying their country and much of the rest of the world. The series portrays four generations of strong-willed heroines who use their mysterious gem to offer a healing, inclusive alternative to the hate-filled bigotry of religious tyrants. Books One through Three are released, with the release of Book Four to be
September 1: For the Love of all that is Written
September 2: A.F. Stewart
September 3: Wendi Zwaduk
September 4: Laurie J. Edwards
September 5: Deborah Panger
September 6: Lily Stone Books
September 7: Space Snark
September 8: Morbid Romantic
September 9:
September 10: Fang-tastic Books
September 11: Amber Scott
September 12: Tory Richards
September 13:
September 14: Chris Redding
September 15: Long Live Chick Lit
September 16:
September 17:
September 18: Inspiration Ink
September 19: Marianne Arkins
September 20:
September 21:
September 22:
September 23:
September 24:
September 25: Cate Masters
September 26:
September 27: Helen's Heroes
September 28: Razlover's Book Blog
September 29: Romancing the Pubs
September 30: Geek Girl Review
C.L. will be giving away an autographed set of all three books in the series to one randomly drawn commenter from the tour as well as the tour host with them most comments, excluding duplicates or her responses.
Visit C.L. Talmadge at her website.
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