Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Blurb Blitz: Broken Fortune by Aly Mennuti

Congratulations to tour winner Misty H. and to host winner Dawn's Reading Nook.
Thank you for your interest in hosting this tour, but all the stops have now been filled.

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual Blurb Blitz Tour for Broken Fortune by Aly Mennuti, a Contemporary Women's Fiction available July 16 from Regallo Press. The tour will run June 24 - July 12, and this tour will not include interviews or guest blogs; however, a blurb, excerpt and author bio will be provided to every host for inclusion on their blog. Review copies are available in PDF or ePub formats by request.

Aly Mennuti will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $15 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn host.

Elizabeth Sunderland—a forty-three-year-old wife and mother of two teenagers—is the oldest of five children in a blended family that never quite blended. The only thing that has held them together is the iron will of their wealthy parents: Benjamin Sunderland, a venture capitalist, and Kate Bernard, a partner of a hedge fund. Together, Benjamin and Kate create and rule over a Manhattan dynasty of which their children each bear their own unique scars.

Elizabeth has been trying to keep the family together since she was ten years old, hoping to convince everyone they have more in common than just their fortune. This stance will be put to the ultimate test when Kate dies with one final request: that the family travel together to the island of St. John and spread her ashes in the ocean. However, Kate’s plan to fix the family will involve more than just a family trip to the sea.

As the hidden secrets and quiet betrayals built up over thirty years begin to ripple and crash like the ocean surrounding the sinking family, Elizabeth not only faces each of her sibling’s personal inflection points—moments that could lead to reconciliation or ruin—but she has to face her own demons that have laid dormant. What happens next will shock Elizabeth into recognizing a reality she had no idea existed.

June 24: Hope. Dreams. Life... Love
June 24: Long and Short Reviews
June 25: travel the ages
June 26: Literary Gold
June 27: Kenyan Poet