Friday, May 24, 2024

Review Tour: Private License by Kevin R. Doyle

Congratulations to tour winner Paige C. and to host winner Gina Rae Mitchell.

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual REVIEW ONLY Book Tour for Private License by Kevin R. Doyle, a 266 page mystery novel available August 14 from Camel Press. The tour will run every Thursday for four weeks starting on August 1. The Book is available in PDF or ePub formats.

Kevin R. Doyle will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn host.

All Lorie Jones wants is a little help with her divorce. Some extra information, a bit of ammunition to take into court against her no-good husband. And when she hires the biggest and best investigation firm Kansas City has to offer, that’s exactly what she gets. But after their operative wraps up Lori’s case, he decides he doesn’t want to move on, and Lori soon realizes that she’s got an even bigger problem than she had before, one that threatens her privacy, and maybe even her life.

It’s up to Sam Quinton, one-man detective agency, to take on the largest firm in the business, and as Sam digs into the background of Lori’s harasser, he soon finds something bigger, and much more dangerous, than one overzealous guy who just can’t let go.

August 1: Guatemala Paula Loves to Read
August 1: Novels Alive
August 8: Country Mamas With Kids
August 15: The Avid Reader
August 15: Gina Rae Mitchell
August 22: Sandra's Book Club
August 22: Our Town Book Reviews
August 22:  Celticlady's Reviews