Sunday, April 21, 2024

Review Tour: Tayvie's Story by Mim Eichmann

Congratulations to tour winner Hesper F. and to host winner Our Town Book Reviews.

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual REVIEW ONLY Book Tour for Tayvie's Story by Mim Eichmann, a 355 page historical fiction novel available July 23 from Living Springs Publishers. The tour will run every Monday for four weeks starting on June 3. The Book is available in PDF format.

Mim Eichmann will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $20 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn host.

Chicago, IL – December 1923

Terrified, racing from an irate shopkeeper who has accused her of stealing, her comatose mother sprawled in a dark hallway, four-year-old Tayvie Jackson falls asleep while hiding in a car. Hours later, Tayvie, who understands almost no English, awakens many miles from a home she barely knew. Forced to live with deceitful relatives during the Depression in the Jim Crow south, Tayvie and her adopted mother later escape, hoping to build on Tayvie’s fledging career as a jazz singer.

In 1938, Tayvie innocently signs a six-month contract to appear at the Moulin Rouge in Paris. Almost immediately distorted allegations erupt surrounding her involvement with the historically devastating Kristallnacht, the propaganda broadcasts called Charlie and His Orchestra, and the elite Nazi playgrounds in Berlin and Paris, all of which force her into a demoralizing relationship with a strategic member of Hitler’s most despised inner clique, Dr. Joseph Goebbels.

The extraordinary coming-of-age saga of a talented, young, biracial jazz singer, who perfects her craft on two continents during the volatile 1930's and '40s despite appalling circumstances.

June 10: The Faerie Review
June 17: Aubrey Wynne: Timeless Love
June 24: The Avid Reader
June 24: Gina Rae Mitchell