Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Review Tour Heartstone by Clemency Crow

Congratulations to tour winner Gabrielle C. and to host winner Our Town Book Reviews.

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual REVIEW ONLY Book Tour for Heartstone by Clemency Crow, a 259 page (Middle Grade) Fantasy Adventure available now from Crovvus Publishing. The tour will run every Monday for four weeks starting on June 17. The Book is available in PDF or ePub formats.

Clemency Crow will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn host.

Jeremy isn't surprised his grandfather died. He's surprised he had one.

When the family travel to Cumbria for the funeral arrangements, he realises his grandfather had an important job to complete. Jeremy's grandfather was part of the Order of the Magi, who trapped an evil spirit away from our world, using the power contained within heartstones, and hidden in special places around the county.

But the heartstones need recharging every hundred years, so Jeremy and his strange new friend must find each stone, and complete dangerous tasks to prove they are worthy, before the power of the stones runs out and evil has control over the world.

June 18: The Faerie Review
June 25: The Avid Reader
June 25: The Reading Addict
July 9: Our Town Book Reviews
July 9: Country Mamas With Kids
July 16: Boys' Mom Reads!
July 16: Gina Rae Mitchell