Congratulations to the winners:
$25 Amazon GC Winner: Marika Weber
$15 Amazon GC Winner (Host): Reading Romances
Swag Pack Winners:
Reading Romances: Tammy
The Forbidden Bookshelf: Sue Sattler
Kindling the Fire: Missy Brown
Christine Young: nhughes
TBQ's Book Palac: Julianne
LASR: Erotic Romance Guests: Yvette
The ParaNormal Romance Party: bella
Rachel Leigh - Erotic Romanc: bas1chs
Louisa Bacio -- Love Knows: No Bounds: Leigh Savage
The Muse: Catherine Lee catherinelee
Reviews By Molly: Mel Brown
From Me to You ... Video, Photography, & Book Reviews: Amy Ryan
Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a virtual book tour for Carrie Ann Ryan's latest release, Trinity Bound, a paranormal erotic romance being released March 2012. The tour will run April 2 - 13, 2012 and Carrie Ann is available for guest blogs or interviews. Additionally, a PDF of the book will be available closer to her release date for review in conjunction with a post or interview.
Carrie Ann will be giving away an autographed bookmark to one commenter at every stop, and a $25 Amazon.com gift certificate to one randomly drawn commenter and a $10 Amazon GC to the host with the most comments (excluding the host's and the author's).
Hannah Lewis, a rare earth witch, is taken from the only life she’s ever known. Held against her will by a sadistic wolf, she almost gives up hope that she’d ever see her real life again. But as her fellow captive, a werewolf named Reed, tries to calm her fears, she begins to feel a spark of something she never thought she’d feel – love. But is Reed, alone, enough to get her out of this dark basement so she can move on with her life?
Reed Jamenson, the artist of a werewolf Pack of Alpha males, knows instinctually that Hannah is his mate. Thus, despite their imprisonment, he will do all to protect her and then worry about their hearts. But is he strong enough to find a way for both of them to escape? And why does he feel as though something else is missing?
Josh Kolb, an ex-military human, stumbles upon Reed and Hannah and finds he must trust this new world of supernatural beings to survive. But that desire will lead the three to a triangle of attraction that will test the boundaries they all possess and its consequences in defeating the enemy. Can they all trust one another to save themselves and life as they know it? Even at the cost of their own hearts?
April 2: Reading Romances
April 3: The Forbidden Bookshelf
April 4: Kindling the Fire
April 5: Christine Young
April 6: TBQ's Book Palace
April 9: LASR: Erotic Romance Guests
April 9: STOP 2 -- The ParaNormal Romance Party
April 10: Rachel Leigh - Erotic Romance
April 11: Louisa Bacio -- Love Knows No Bounds
April 12: The Muse
April 12: REVIEW ONLY Reviews By Molly
April 13: From Me to You ... Video, Photography, & Book Reviews