Randomly Drawn Commenter: Pamela James who commented on The Blisse Blog.
Tour host with the most comments: Kissa Starling
Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual Book Tour for Kendall Grace's Come Undone, a contemporary erotic romance.
My sister became dependent on painkillers after a skiing accident left her leg broken in three places. I didn’t understand and, yes, I judged her. After all, we were talking about her will. No one was forcing those pills down her throat. It seemed very cut-and-dried to me back then. But I know differently now.Kendall is available for interviews and guest blogs. She will be giving away a $20 Amazon gift certificate to the tour host with the most comments as well as a $10 Amazon gift certificate to one randomly chosen commenter.
The first time Chase touched her, Jane finally understood addiction…understood the aching need, the keen want for more…more of his hands…his mouth…his tongue. His complete mastery over her body. She knew the suffocation of crushing anxiety as she waited for her next hit, the flash of terrific pain when it didn’t come.
Chase seems unwilling to give Jane what she needs; what she ultimately craves above all else. But addicts can’t think beyond the fix. They’ll resort to desperate measures to feed their need…even if they lose themselves in the process. Even if they come undone…
Want to host Kendall on your blog? Leave us a comment with your email address and we'll get back to you.
December 3: Goddess Fish Party Pavilion
December 6: Getting Naughty Between the Stacks
December 7: Bad Girls (and Boys) Writer's Block
December 8: Amber Scott Project
December 9: The Phantom Paragrapher
December 10: Romance with an Attitude
December 13: Kissa Starling
December 14: Blisse Blog
December 15: The Menagerie Authors
December 16: Welcome to My World of Dreams
December 17: D. Renee Bagby Presents First Chapters