Thursday, November 30, 2023

Review Tour: Murderous Means by Lida Sideris

Congratulations to tour winner Sara Z. and to host winners Kit 'n Kabookle and Iron Canuck Reviews & More.
Thank you for your interest in hosting this tour, but all stops have been filled.

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual REVIEW ONLY Tour for Murderous Means by Lida Sideris, a 250 page Cozy Mystery available January 5 from Level Best Books. The tour will run every Wednesday for 4 weeks starting on January 31, and the book is available in PDF and epub formats.

Lida Sideris will be awarding $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn host. Because this is a review tour, GFP will award a $5 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn host.
Corrie Locke may not be the best rookie lawyer in Southern California, but when it comes to catching a killer, she’s got the skills to bring a band of shifty-eyed suspects to their knees. When the wealthy matriarch of the dysfunctional Means family dies in her sleep, the family is convinced her death was anything but peaceful. They hire Corrie to prove it, but the only evidence they have to go on is a psychic’s half-baked vision that it was murder. To put the matter to rest, Corrie sets her sights on proving the psychic is a fraud. After all, everyone knows psychics are crack-pots, don’t they? But what should be a simple investigation morphs into something deadly. The deeper Corrie digs, the more bizarre clues are revealed, and a possible witness is found dead. As tempers rise, it is up to Corrie to catch a killer…who’s about to strike again.

January 31: Kit 'n Kabookle
January 31: Iron Canuck Reviews & More
February 7: The Avid Reader
February 7: Gina Rae Mitchell
February 14: The Reading Addict
February 14: Our Town Book Reviews
February 21: Sandra's Book Club
February 21: Literary Gold

Monday, November 27, 2023

Review Tour: Effie by Rhonda Lee

Congratulations to tour winner Kim M. and to host winners Guatemala Paula Loves to Read and The Faerie Review.

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual REVIEW ONLY Tour for Effie by Rhonda Lee, a 242 page FICTION / Romance / General book available now from Tellwell. The tour will run every Tuesday for 4 weeks starting on January 30, and the book is available in PDF and ePub formats.

Rhonda Lee will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn host. Additionally, Goddess Fish Promotions will be awarding a $5 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn host.

Effie is the heartwarming story of how a young couple, killed in a pickup truck accident in the spring of 1959, fulfill their dream of getting married in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee some forty years after their deaths, by helping a young widower and father find true love a second time in life, and a new mother for four-year old Effie.

Witness the incredible power of love, the undeniable force of destiny, and the enduring spirit of those who have passed before us. Get ready to be moved, inspired, and reminded of the beauty that can be found, even in the face of tragedy.

January 30: Country Mamas With Kids
February 6: Sandra's Book Club - spotlight
February 13: The Avid Reader
February 13: Gina Rae Mitchell
February 20: The Faerie Review
February 20: Guatemala Paula Loves to Read

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Reviews Tour: Slaughterhouse by K.A. Lugo

Congratulations to tour winner Gabrielle C. and to host winners The Avid Reader  and Iron Canuck Reviews & More.

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual REVIEW ONLY Tour for Slaughterhouse by K.A. Lugo, a 141 page Thriller, Mystery available December 5, 2023 from Tirgearr Publishing. The tour will run every Monday for 4 weeks starting on January 15, 2024, and the book is available in PDF and ePub format.

K.A. Lugo will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn host. Additionally, Goddess Fish Promotions will be awarding a $5 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn host.

It's the anniversary of the date he lost his family and Jack doubts he'll ever find those responsible. Depression has taken hold, and he pulls out his Beretta for the last time. As he fingers the trigger, Ray shows up with the identity of the man who’d killed himself in Jack’s house weeks before, leaving a note simply saying, ”I’m sorry.”

Jack soon finds himself dragged into San Francisco's underbelly and his life threatened at the hands of the city's deadly Chinese gang, the Jade Dragons. When things become more dangerous, Jack must keep pushing forward, even knowing it could mean his death because the gang's leader, Li Zihao, may have the answers Jack’s looking for—who destroyed his family and what happened to Leah.

Is Jack ready for the truth?

January 15: Country Mamas With Kids
January 22: The Faerie Review
January 22: Gina Rae Mitchell
January 29: Iron Canuck Reviews & More
January 29: Our Town Book Reviews
February 5: The Avid Reader
February 5: Sandra's Book Club

Saturday, November 25, 2023

NBTM: Island Detour by Maria Imbalzano

Congratulations to tour winner Cindy M. and to host winner Guatemala Paula Loves to Read.

Thank you for your interest in hosting this tour, but all stops have been filled.

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual Name Before the Masses Tour for Island Detour by Maria Imbalzano, a contemporary romance available February 19 from The Wild Rose Press. The tour will run every Monday for 12 weeks starting on February 19, and Maria Imbalzano is available for guest post and interviews. A PDF or epub copy of the book is available for review in conjunction with a guest post or interview. 

Maria Imbalzano will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn host. 

Falsely accused of wrongdoing at a Princeton Prep school, Sophie Kearns accepts a temporary teaching position at an environmental school in the Florida Keys to wait out her suspension. The time away is meant to be an anxiety-free escape, but her clashes with the hot but arrogant marine biology teacher, Max Heaton, are anything but tranquil.

Max is determined to start an environmental research institute at the school, but he suspects the gorgeous new Lit teacher, who lacks even the most basic outdoor skills, is there to hinder that dream. Yet, something about her tames the demons from his past, and he can no longer ignore the fire she’s lit inside him.

February 19: Literary Gold
February 26: Hope. Dreams. Life... Love
March 4: Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books! - review only
March 4: The Avid Reader
March 11: Dawn's Reading Nook
March 11: Guatemala Paula Loves to Read - review only
March 18: Fabulous and Brunette
March 25: Lisa Haselton's Reviews and Interviews
April 1: Maggie Blackbird - review
April 8: Westveil Publishing
April 15: Long and Short Reviews
April 15: Gina Rae Mitchell - review
April 22: Read Your Writes Book Reviews
April 29: The Key of Love
April 29: Sandra's Book Club - spotlight
May 6: Kenyan Poet

Friday, November 24, 2023

Review Tour: The Tequila Promise by John MacGougan

Congratulations to tour winner Jessica B. and to host winners Momma Says: To Read or Not to Read and Gina Rae Mitchell. 

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual REVIEW ONLY Tour for The Tequila Promise by John MacGougan, a 370 page Crime/Thriller available now from Tellwell. The tour will run every Tuesday for 4 weeks starting on January 9, and the book is available in PDF and ePub formats. 

John MacGougan will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn host. Additionally, Goddess Fish Promotions will be awarding a $5 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn host. 

ETHAN PICKETT'S battered pickup truck is found in the valley of the Bluewater Ski Club, a four hundred foot drop, his broken and bloodied body trapped inside.

Ethan is a local hero, a retired rodeo cowboy, and self-made billionaire businessman. His death is big news.

When Charlie Beach hears the news, he's devastated. As a private investigator, he's had experience with death, but not with the death of someone as close to him as Ethan Pickett.

On the night of the funeral, Charlie and Cedar, Ethan's daughter, and Charlie's best and closest friend since JK, are sharing a few beers and trading stories. At one point, Cedar makes a casual comment about the irony of her father's accident, running his truck off a dark and deserted country road he had been driving his entire life.

Charlie didn't understand the concept of irony, but what he did understand was the bad feeling washing over him.

The OPP's top investigators ruled it an accident, but what if they missed something? What if it wasn't an accident? What if the accident was staged to cover up a murder?

With no evidence, no suspects, and no motive, Charlie wouldn't go hard at it, but he figured there was no harm in talking to a few people, asking some questions, see if anything popped.

Charlie would be happy if it turned out to be nothing. But, if it turned out to be something, then he'd make it his life's mission to track down the killer, and send his ass to prison.

January 9: Momma Says: To Read or Not to Read
January 16: The Avid Reader
January 23: Gina Rae Mitchell
January 23: Country Mamas With Kids
January 30: Sandra's Book Club - spotlight
January 30: Our Town Book Reviews

Review Tour: The Secret Cottage by Kate Ellington

Congratulations to tour winner Cali W. and to host winners D.S.Dehel and Maggie Blackbird.

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual REVIEW ONLY Tour for The Secret Cottage by Kate Ellington, a 368 page Historical Romance available January 22 from The Wild Rose Press. The tour will run every Wednesday for 4 weeks starting on January 10, and the book is available in PDF and epub formats.

Kate Ellington will be awarding $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn host. Because this is a review tour, GFP will award a $5 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn host.
Isabel Tate yearns for the simple pleasures she took for granted before scandal rocked her family two years ago. On May Day, she's determined to forget her troubles and enjoy herself at the Claremont family's annual festival.

Meanwhile, Robert Claremont steels himself to begin courting the haughty heiress next door, but his bashfulness is only one obstacle to winning her hand. Despite a deep sense of family obligation, he dreams of choosing his own bride.

Captivated by each other from the moment they meet, Robert and Isabel are kept apart by a misunderstanding until a chance encounter leads to friendship and more.

With opposition on all sides, they must overcome inconceivable odds to claim happiness.

January 10: The Faerie Review
January 10: Gina Rae Mitchell
January 17: Country Mamas With Kids
January 24: Maggie Blackbird
January 24: The Avid Reader
January 31: Sandra's Book Club promo
January 31: D.S.Dehel

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Excerpt Tour: Canada's Kiddie Geography and History in ABC's... by Marena Woodsit

Congratulations to tour winner Betty C. and to host winner Westveil Publishing.
Thank you for your interest in hosting this tour, but all stops have been filled.

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual Excerpt Tour for Canada's Kiddie Geography and History in ABC's... by Marena Woodsit, a Juvenile Non-fiction available now from Tellwell Talent. The tour will run December 18, 2023 to January 5, 2024, and this tour will not include interviews or guest blogs; however, a blurb, exclusive excerpt and author bio will be provided to every host for inclusion on their blog. Additionally, a PDF copy of this story is available for review in conjunction with a promo post.

Marena Woodsit will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn host.

Who said geography and history can't be fun? Marena Woodsit's new book, Canada's Kiddie History and Geography in ABC's, points out various interesting facts and places in an easy-to-read style (H for history, G for geography) that will captivate children of all ages. A map and legend of the great country of Canada can help pinpoint where much of the facts take place along with fun and real life characters.

December 18: The Avid Reader
December 19: Kenyan Poet
December 19: Books in the Hall
December 20: Sandra's Book Club - review
December 21: Momma Says: To Read or Not to Read
December 22: Westveil Publishing - review
January 1: Twirling Book Princess
January 2: Literary Gold
January 4: Fabulous and Brunette
January 5: travel the ages
January 5: Long and Short Reviews

NBtM FS: On the Threshold by M. Laszlo

Congratulations to tour winner Barbara M. and to host winner Travel the Ages.
Thank you for your interest in hosting this tour, but all stops have been filled.

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual Name Before the Masses Tour for On the Threshold by M. Laszlo, an Historical Science Fiction available now. The tour will run every Tuesday and Thursday for 15 weeks starting on February 6, 2024. Prewritten guest blogs and interviews, along with promo posts, and reviews are available. Please specify which type of stop you’d like when you ask to host this tour. The book is available in PDF and ePub format for review.

Prizes for the tour are as follows:
• One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $25 Amazon/ gift card.
• One randomly chosen host will receive a $25 Amazon/ gift card.

Obsessed with learning the origins of the cosmos, the actual meaning of life, and the true purpose of civilization, a fine Scotsman named Fingal T. Smyth dedicates himself to the study of Plato’s most extraordinary ideas. Convinced of Plato’s belief that humankind possesses any and all innate knowledge deep within the collective unconscious mind, Fingal soon conducts a series of bold, pioneering occult-science experiments by which to resolve the riddle of the universe once and for all. However, Fingal forgets how violent and perilous the animal impulses that reside in the deepest recesses of the unconscious mind. And when Fingal unleashes a mysterious avatar of his innate knowledge, the entity appears as a burning man and immediately seeks to manipulate innocent and unsuspecting people everywhere into immolating themselves. Now, with little hope of returning the fiery figure into his being, Fingal must capture his nemesis before it destroys the world.

February 6: Literary Gold
February 8: The Avid Reader
February 13: Sandra's Book Club
February 15: Kenyan Poet
February 20: Momma Says: To Read or Not to Read
February 22: Westveil Publishing
February 27: Fabulous and Brunette
February 29: FUONLYKNEW
March 5: Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
March 7: Andi's Book Reviews
March 12: D.S.Dehel
March 14: Eye-Rolling Demigod's Book Blog
March 19: Gina Rae Mitchell - review
March 21: Readers Roost
March 26: The Key of Love
March 28: Author C.A.Milson
April 2: Read Your Writes Book Reviews
April 4: Coffee and Wander Book Reviews - cancelled
April 9: Country Mamas With Kids
April 11: Author Deborah A. Bailey Blog
April 16: Hope. Dreams. Life... Love
April 16: Straight From the Library
April 18: It's Raining Books
April 23: Long and Short Reviews
April 25: The Faerie Review
April 30: Dawn's Reading Nook
May 2: Welcome to My World of Dreams
May 7: Stormy Nights Reviewing & Bloggin'
May 9: Our Town Book Reviews
May 14: Teatime and Books
May 16: travel the ages

Review Tour: The Anchor by Kevin R. Doyle

Congratulations to tour winner Rita W. and to host winner Gina Rae Mitchell and Mystery, Thrillers & Suspense.

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual REVIEW ONLY Tour for The Anchor by Kevin R. Doyle, a 265 page Mystery available now. The tour will run every Thursday for 4 weeks starting on February 1, 2024, and the book is available in PDF and ePub format.

Kevin R. Doyle will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn host. Additionally, Goddess Fish Promotions will be awarding a $5 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn host.

Jen has toiled away in television news, just waiting for a big break. And at the same time she finally gets a shot at the promotion opportunity she’s waited years for, head anchor for the nightly newscast, an unseen, shadowy man is desperate for her to notice him. When messages and well wishes don’t do the trick, her mysterious admirer intends to do anything necessary to make Jen a success and snare her attention, even if it means attacking her fiancé and killing off her competition.

February 1: Gina Rae Mitchell
February 8: Literary Gold
February 8: Iron Canuck Reviews & More
February 15: D.S. Dehel
February 15: Read Book. Repeat promo
February 22: Mystery, Thrillers & Suspense
February 22: Our Town Book Reviews

Book Blast: The Santa Games by Leanne Treese

Congratulations to tour winner Catherine M.
Thank you for your interest in hosting this tour, but all the stops have now been filled.

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual Book Blast Tour for THE SANTA GAMES by Leanne Treese, a Romantic Comedy available now from Moxie Publishing. The Book Blast Tour will take place December 11 - December 15. This tour will not include interviews or guest blogs; however, a blurb, excerpt and author bio will be provided to every host for inclusion on their blog. A PDF or epub copy of the book is available for review.

Leanne Treese will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Reeling from a broken engagement, Andi Carter swears off men. She quits her job in New York and returns home to figure out next steps. Luckily, she quickly finds a job--one that will take her mind off her ex--as a caretaker for an elderly widower, Liam Quinn. Liam is the owner of Christmastown, a holiday-themed amusement park that shut down years ago. But he’s anxious to reopen it, and Andi, loving the concept, throws herself into helping him. It’s the perfect distraction. Bonus: there are no eligible men for miles.

Until Matt Taylor shows up to audit the park.

Matt is handsome, charming, and full of surprises. Even Liam’s notoriously cranky cat, Claus, likes him. Andi works with Matt on a Christmastown project and platonic feelings turn into a full-fledged crush…maybe a little more. She likes this guy. Unbelievably, Matt seems to like her back.

Only she soon discovers that Matt isn’t who he says he is. So now, Andi has another decision to make—run away and start over—again? Or stay, and hear Matt out? After all, Christmas is the season of miracles…

December 11:

1: SSLY ~ Smile Somebody Loves You
2: Edgar's Books
3: Tory Richards
4: Welcome to My World of Dreams
5: Our Town Book Reviews
6: Tina Donahue Books - Heat with Heart
7: The Pen and Muse Book Reviews

December 12:

1: The Avid Reader
2: Words of Wisdom from The Scarf Princess
3: Iron Canuck Reviews & More
4: Author Deb Bailey
5: It's Raining Books
6: Dawn's Reading Nook
7: Straight from the Library

December 13:

1: Hope. Dreams. Life... Love
2: Country Mamas With Kids review
3: Momma Says: To Read or Not to Read
4: A Wonderful World of Words
5: Literary Gold
6: Fabulous and Brunette
7: Stormy Nights Reviewing & Bloggin'
8: Punya Reviews...

December 14:

1: Sandra's Book Club review
2: Westveil Publishing
3: Aubrey Wynne: Timeless Love
4: Celticlady's reviews
6: Natasha Brooks' Favorite Books

December 15:

1: Boys' Mom Reads!
2: Beyond Romance
3: Two Ends of the Pen
4: The Key of Love
5: Beverley A Baird review
6: Long and Short Reviews
7: Wendi Zwaduk - Romance to Make Your Heart Race

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Review Tour: And the Devil Walks Away by Kevin R. Doyle

Congratulations to tour winner Amy D. and to host winners Literary Gold and Our Town Book Reviews.

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual REVIEW ONLY Tour for And the Devil Walks Away by Kevin R. Doyle a 372 page mystery available now from The Wild Rose Press. The tour will run every Monday for 4 weeks starting on January 29, and the book is available in PDF and ePub formats. 

Kevin R. Doyle will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn host. Additionally, Goddess Fish Promotions will be awarding a $5 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn host. 

Helen Lipscomb seemingly has nowhere to go but down. Cashiered from the force, ostracized by most of her former acquaintances, and with no real connections left to the community, she's been getting by as a sort of unofficial investigator, doing piecework for various lawyers and bail bondsmen. Her former life as a homicide detective seems far behind her until a notorious serial killer, locked away and facing the death penalty, offers her the challenge of a lifetime. Not to prove his innocence, but to prove him guilty of even more murders than the authorities suspect, murders for which another convicted man, several states away, is taking credit.

January 29: The Avid Reader
January 29: Literary Gold
February 5: Our Town Book Reviews
February 12: Guatemala Paula Loves to Read
February 19: The Faerie Review
February 19: fundinmental

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Review Tour: Kitchen Matches by Marianne Arkins

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual REVIEW ONLY Tour for Kitchen Matches by Marianne Arkins, a 76 page Romance (set in 2008) available now. The tour will run every Monday for 4 weeks starting on January 8, 2024, and the book is available in PDF and ePub format.

Marianne Arkins will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn host. Additionally, Goddess Fish Promotions will be awarding a $5 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn host.

A feisty auto mechanic and a hunky chef cook up chaos!

Cori Weathers is a wizard with a torque wrench, but the moment she lays eyes on her cooking teacher, Micah DePalma, her lessons turn into a klutzy symphony of flying poultry and burning aprons. It makes no sense. He couldn't be less her type: tall, skinny, and born with a silver spoon in his mouth. So why is her heart sputtering like a badly tuned engine?

Despite family pressure to date only women of his own social class, something about the cooking-challenged spitfire lights all Micah's burners. Cori's a complex dish inside a deceptively simple coating, one he's willing to risk tackle football and jealous ex-boyfriends to sample.

His every attempt to crack her stubborn heart strikes sparks. Will they ignite the flame of love or explode into just another kitchen disaster?

January 8: Hope. Dreams. Life... Love
January 8: Cassidy's Bookshelves
January 8: Gina Rae Mitchell
January 15: Beverley A Baird
January 15: Novels Alive
January 15: Maggie Blackbird
January 22: Literary Gold
January 22: The Avid Reader
January 22: Iron Canuck Reviews & More
January 29: Sandra's Book Club
January 29: Boys' Mom Reads!
January 29: Fabulous and Brunette

Monday, November 13, 2023

Review Tour: Clean Win by Kevin R. Doyle

Congratulations to tour winner Mary P. and to host winners The Faerie Review and  Gina Rae Mitchell.
Thank you for your interest in hosting this tour, but all stops have been filled.

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual REVIEW ONLY Tour for Clean Win by Kevin R. Doyle, a 222 page Mystery available now from Camel Press. The tour will run every Tuesday for 4 weeks starting on January 16, 2024, and the book is available in PDF and ePub format.

Kevin R. Doyle will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn host. Additionally, Goddess Fish Promotions will be awarding a $5 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn host.

Laura Mosby is like a lot of young women, working in a job she doesn't like, looking for a way out, and doing her best to enjoy her privacy. When she dies a violent death at the hands of an intruder, it's at first brushed off as a standard homicide. But when Lieutenant Santiago, the supervising detective, comes across evidence linking her death to a local politician, he begins to see the faint threads of a much nastier scheme. Desperate to shield his people from potential harm, he turns to Sam Quinton, full-time gym owner and part-time private investigator, to help solve Laura's murder and help the police department evade the wrath of City Hall.

January 16: Guatemala Paula Loves to Read
January 16: Gina Rae Mitchell
January 23: Moonlight Compass Books
January 23: Because I said so -- and other adventures in Parenting
January 30: The Faerie Review
January 30: The Reading Addict
February 6: Literary Gold
February 6: Novels Alive

Review Tour: Flames of Flamenco by Jennifer Ivy Walker

Congratulations to tour winner Sherry S. and to host winners Iron Canuck Reviews & More and The Faerie Review. 

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual REVIEW ONLY Tour for Flames of Flamenco by Jennifer Ivy Walker, a 120 page contemporary erotic romance novella available December 27. The tour will run every Monday for 4 weeks starting on January 8, and the book is available in PDF format.

Jennifer Ivy Walker will be awarding $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn host. Because this is a review tour, Goddess Fish Promotions will award a $5 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn host.
In Montmartre, the bohemian heart of Paris, Ella meets an intriguing artist who sketches portraits on the trendy Place du Tertre and dances flamenco at the local tablao. As Jean-Luc introduces her to the secret delights of the City of Light, Ella becomes his Muse, the passion they share inspiring and igniting his art and his dance.

When he melts her frozen heart, she decides to remain in Paris and live with him, sharing his atelier as she designs and creates chic couture.

But a beautiful, beguiling curator invites Jean-Luc to display his paintings as the featured artist in the upcoming L’Art de la Danse exhibit, and the lure of international fame threatens his future with Ella.

Will jealousy and greed extinguish their passion, or will the flames of flamenco endure?

January 8: Maggie Blackbird
January 8: The Avid Reader
January 15: Country Mamas With Kids
January 22: Iron Canuck Reviews & More
January 22: Sandra's Book Club
January 29: Gina Rae Mitchell
January 29: The Faerie Review

Review Tour: Amour in Avignon by Jennifer Ivy Walker

Congratulations to tour winner Oleg Z. and to host winners The Faerie Review and Iron Canuck Reviews & More.

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual REVIEW ONLY Tour for Amour in Avignon by Jennifer Ivy Walker, a 94 page contemporary erotic romance novella available November 29. The tour will run every Thursday for 4 weeks starting on January 4, and the book is available in PDF format.

Jennifer Ivy Walker will be awarding $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn host. Because this is a review tour, GFP will award a $5 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn host.
Adrift and lonely, Lily Greene travels to Provence to spend the summer with her aunt in the sunny south of France. In the vibrant city of Avignon, she meets Ludo and Auguste, two expert fencers who are also local actors performing in the upcoming Festival of Theater where they will present the classical tragedy, Cyrano de Bergerac. When Lily joins their thespian troupe, portraying the lead female role, she discovers that real life mirrors the play they are rehearsing, for--just as Cyrano and Christian vie for Roxane-- Ludo and Auguste become intense rivals for Lily. Handsome as a Hollywood movie star, Auguste is used to women falling into his bed. But when Lily spurns his amorous advances, drawn instead to the enigmatic Ludo, jealousy drives Auguste to seek revenge. Will tragedy strike with a cruel twist of fate? Or will love triumph with Amour in Avignon?

January 4: The Avid Reader
January 4: Gina Rae Mitchell
January 11: Country Mamas With Kids
January 11: Readers Roost
January 18: The Faerie Review
January 18: Beyond Romance - spotlight
January 25: Iron Canuck Reviews & More
January 25: Sandra's Book Club

Book Blast: Legacy of Evil by James Peyton

Congratulations to tour winner Marcy M. and to host winner Christine Young.
Thank you for your interest in hosting this tour, but all the stops have now been filled.

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual Book Blast Tour for LEGACY OF EVIL by James Peyton, a mystery/thriller available now from Aventura Real Press. The Book Blast Tour will take place on November 27 - December 1. This tour will not include interviews or guest blogs; however, a blurb, excerpt and author bio will be provided to every host for inclusion on their blog. A PDF copy of the book is available for review.

James Peyton will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $25 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn host.

A banished detective. A body drained of blood. Mexico’s vampires are all too human.

After graduating from Harvard, Artemas Salcido is determined to transform Mexico’s justice system and joins the federal police. He begins solving crimes committed by the rich and powerful and is banished to the village of Bustamante.

On a college field trip to Bustamante’s nearby caverns, the daughter of a US senator is brutally murdered. The FBI, the international media, and a Mexican hit squad tasked with making the problem go away descend on the village. When Mexico’s attorney general tells Artemas his career depends on his cooperation, Artemas realizes his life is at stake.

As other grisly murders occur, Artemas’s investigation uncovers an ancient blood cult connected to a powerful financial cabal that stretches from mediaeval Europe to Mexico's most influential politicians and businessmen. When he disputes his violent colleagues’ bogus solution to the crime, Artemas is marked for death.

Can Artemas’s determination to bring fairness to Mexico’s justice system prevail against the overwhelming power of his government—or will it prove fatal …?

November 27

1: Literary Gold
2: Edgar's Books
3: Locks, Hooks and Books
4: It's Raining Books
5: Stormy Nights Reviewing & Bloggin'
6: Wake Up Your Wild Side
7: Kenyan Poet
8: Hope. Dreams. Life... Love
9: Momma Says: To Read or Not to Read

November 28

1: Country Mamas With Kids
2: Long and Short Reviews
3: Wendi Zwaduk - Romance to Make Your Heart Race
4: The Key Of Love
5: Our Town Book Reviews
6: Fabulous and Brunette
7: Author C.A.Milson

November 29

1: Celticlady's reviews
2: Straight from the Library
3: Iron Canuck Reviews & More
4: Moonlight Compass Books
5: Christine Young
6: D. S. Dehel
7: Girl with Pen

NBTM: Hudson at the Track by Alexis Levesque

Congratulations to tour winner Damaris M. and to host winner Sandra's Book Club.

Thank you for your interest in hosting this tour, but all stops have been filled.

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual Name Before the Masses Tour for Hudson at the Track by Alexis Levesque, a JUVENILE NONFICTION / Sports & Recreation / General available now from Tellwell. The tour will run every Tuesday for 12 weeks starting on December 12, and Alexis Levesque is available for guest post and interviews. A PDF copy of the book is available for review in conjunction with a guest post or interview. 

Alexis Levesque will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn host. 

Discover the importance of safety gear, perseverance, and bike maintenance in this thrilling motocross adventure. Let the story be the starting point of your child`s imagination. Encourage them to step outside of the book into the world of motocross where they set the limits and make anything possible.

December 12: Literary Gold
December 19: Kenyan Poet
January 2: Sandra's Book Club - review only
January 2: Fabulous and Brunette
January 9: The Avid Reader
January 16: Country Mamas With Kids - review only
January 16: Long and Short Reviews
January 23: Westveil Publishing - review
January 30: Lisa Haselton's Reviews and Interviews
February 6: The Faerie Review - review only
February 6: Books in the Hall
February 13: Sybrina's Book Blog
February 20: A Wonderful World of Words - review
February 27: Our Town Book Reviews - review only
February 27: The Pen and Muse Book Reviews
March 5: travel the ages

Blurb Blitz: Light of the Gods by Miriam Newman

Congratulations to tour winner Colleen C. and to host winner It's Raining Books.

Thank you so much for your interest in hosting this tour, but all the stops have now been filled.

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual Blurb Blitz Tour for Light of the Gods by Miriam Newman, a fantasy historical romance available now from DCL Publications. The tour will run December 4 - December 15, and this tour will not include interviews or guest blogs; however, a blurb, excerpt and author bio will be provided to every host for inclusion on their blog. A PDF copy of the book is available for review in conjunction with a promo post. 

Miriam Newman will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn host. 

In ages gone by, the gods of the mountains had split the earth in two.  Now that passage must form a barrier against invaders.  Javrik, clan chieftain’s son, has known his wife for only a month when he must defend her.  Arman, soldier from a far-off land, finds himself fighting for people he never knew existed.  The lives of nomads, raiders, warriors and lovers are changed forever in the shadow of Grandfather Mountain.

December 4: Kenyan Poet
December 5: Eye-Rolling Demigod's Book Blog
December 5: Momma Says: To Read or Not to Read
December 6: It's Raining Books
December 7: Westveil Publishing
December 8: Hope. Dreams. Life... Love
December 11: Sandra's Book Club
December 12: Girl with Pen
December 12: Dawn's Reading Nook
December 13: Long and Short Reviews
December 13: Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
December 14: Literary Gold
December 15: The Avid Reader

NBtM: The Nick Before Christmas by K.L. Brady

Congratulations to tour winner Thomas B. and to host winner The Faerie Review.
Thank you for your interest in hosting this tour, but all stops have been filled.

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual Name Before the Masses Tour for The Nick Before Christmas by K.L. Brady, a Romance available now from LadyLit Press. The tour will run every Thursday for 20 weeks starting on December 14 and K.L. Brady is available for guest post and interviews. A copy of the book is available via Book Funnel for review in conjunction with a guest post or interview.

K.L. Brady will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC o a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn host.
Will an angel's dire warning, a quest to discover a second act by Christmas Eve, and a touch of Christmas Magic lead Nickie Wright back to the one that got away?

Nickie Wright is ready to celebrate the big 5-0 for Christmas in July, but a hot flash leads her to a sobering revelation: her life has hit rock bottom. Her successes--the home and the car--feel empty. Her vision board has been a waste of time, her job is unfulfilling, and she's mulling over a proposal from Smith, who she's not sure she likes. The best day of her life spirals into the worst. During a near-death experience, a meeting with her guardian angel presents Nickie with an ultimatum - either go to heaven or return to Earth and find her second act by Christmas Eve. If she fails, her future's bleak -- her life will be filled with days no better than her worst.

Her second act sets her on a collision path with Evan Goodman, the man who makes her content, and Jordan Devlin, the first love who drives her crazy. She's torn between two worlds--contentment and safety, passion and excitement.

Time is running out for Nickie.

She only has from Christmas in July until Christmas Eve to find her calling, follow her dreams, and figure out which romantic interest will help Nickie embrace the best of herself.

The Nick Before Christmas is the perfect romantic comedy to help you find your calling and renew your faith. It delivers unforgettable moments of self-discovery and romance. It's an enchanting story to fill your heart with joy this Christmas.

December 14: Long and Short Reviews
December 14: The Avid Reader
December 21: Sandra's Book Club
January 4: Read Your Writes Book Reviews
January 11: Literary Gold
January 18: Novels Alive - review only
January 25: Lisa Haselton's Reviews and Interviews
February 1: Westveil Publishing
February 8: Guatemala Paula Loves to Read - review only
February 8: Kenyan Poet
February 15: Hope. Dreams. Life... Love
February 22: Words of Wisdom from The Scarf Princess
February 29: Aubrey Wynne: Timeless Love
March 7: The Key Of Love
March 14: Celticlady's reviews
March 21: Dawn's Reading Nook
March 28: A Wonderful World of Words
April 4: The Faerie Review - review only
April 11: Beverley A Baird - review
April 18: The Eclectic Review - review only
April 25: Fabulous and Brunette
May 2: travel the ages

Review Tour: When the Skies Rained Freedom by Annette Oppenlander

Congratulations to tour winner Bridgett W. and to host winners The Avid Reader and Guatemala Paula Loves to Read.

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual REVIEW ONLY Tour for When the Skies Rained Freedom by Annette Oppenlander, a 272 page Historical Fiction available now. The tour will run every Wednesday for 4 weeks starting on January 3, and the book is available in PDF and ePub formats.

Annette Oppenlander will be awarding $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn host. Because this is a review tour, Goddess Fish Promotions will award a $5 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn host.
Captivating, gripping and relentlessly authentic...inspired by eyewitness accounts.

To this day, the Berlin airlift presents one of the most dramatic and daring historic events of post WWII Germany, pinning east against west, and cementing the Cold War against Soviet Russia. Without the help of America’s brave pilots, two million Berliners would’ve been lost to Stalin’s dictatorial regime, the future of Europe may have turned out entirely different.

Berlin, May 1945: As the war finally ends, Lotte Berger's apartment lies in rubble, her mother suffers a breakdown after an assault by Russian soldiers, and both, Lotte's father and fiancé are missing in Russia. Only when Mitch Cameron, an American pilot, comes to her aid after an accident, does she regain hope. Just as they are growing closer, Lotte's fiancé reappears under suspicious circumstances...

Berlin, June 1948: Lotte has fought her way through the aftermath of WWII and a devastating loss, when Russia’s dictator, Josef Stalin, decides to take over West Berlin. By cutting off supply lines, electricity and travel, he is willing to starve two million Berliners and force the U.S., Britain and France out. But the western allies, led by President Truman, decide to do the impossible: support Berlin from the air. Thus begins a turbulent and seemingly futile attempt to rescue West Berlin. Willing to do her part, Lotte lands a job as a translator at the American-run Tempelhof Airport. Even if her love is long lost, she can at least dream about Mitch helping to free Berlin...

January 3: The Avid Reader
January 3: Gina Rae Mitchell
January 10: Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
January 10: Guatemala Paula Loves to Read
January 17: Lady In Read Writes
January 24: Sandra's Book Club - spotlight
January 24: Novels Alive