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EDITED TO ADD: The winners of PJ's Tour:
Host with the Most Comments: Book Junkie
Randomly Drawn Commenter: Jean P
Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual Book Tour for P. J. Jones' debut novel, Romance Novel, a romance parody. The tour will run from June 20-July 1, and PJ is available for interviews or guest blogs.
BLURB: Smella Rosepetal must find a millionaire husband to finance her baby’s heart transplant. She flies home to her deputy father’s ranch in Pitchforks, Texas, where she falls in love with Deadward Forest, a wealthy environmentalist vampire.
When a deranged murderer is on the loose in Pitchforks, killing romance heroines, Deadward assumes Smella would be safer without him. Smella turns to her childhood friend, Snake Long, for comfort. But Snake doesn’t have the money to save her baby, so Smella places herself in peril in a desperate hunt for a rich husband.
Time is running out for Smella’s baby, and she must escape the Australian Outback, then face down Flabio, an overweight and disgruntled, aspiring cover model, plus enraged vampire wives and their homosexual, vampire, cowboy husbands, a jealous were-gerbil, James Bond, a drunk rodeo clown and Smella’s strange boyfriend who wants to drain her blood, yet is repulsed by her smell.
Accolades for Romance Novel:
"Romance Novel was one of the funniest reads I have had the pleasure to enjoy in a very long time...Make no mistake, this book pokes fun at all the romance genres. If you follow romantic literature at all, your favorite will take a hit in this book, even the *gasp* lowly erotica...If you are a fan of good satire, this is definitely a book for you." ~ You Gotta Read Reviews
"Ms. Jones knows how to tickle her reader’s funny bone to the point of making them laugh out loud due to not only her characters’ dialogue, but also their crazy antics with each other. This story is a complete spoof and even the most fickle reader can find something that’ll make them crack up laughing." ~ Night Owl Reviews
PJ will be giving away a $15 Starbucks or Amazon.com gift card to one randomly drawn commenter and to the host with the most comments, excluding PJ's or the host's own.
Available dates:
6/20/2011 Desiree Holt Tells All
6/21/2011 Sugarbeat's Books
6/22/2011 Alisha Paige
6/23/2011 Sue Perkins, Fantasy, Romance & Young Adult Author
6/24/2011 Sexy Adventures, Passionate Tales
6/27/2011 Book Junkie
6/28/2011 Grace Elliot
6/29/2011 Lisa Haselton's Reviews and Interviews
6/30/2011 BK Walker Books, Etc.
7/1/2011 Misc. Ramblings
Interested in hosting PJ on your site? Please email us at goddessfish at gmail dot com.