Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Book Blast: The Lonely Australian of the Asian Night by Gregory Pakis

Congratulations to tour winner Brian E. and to host winner Author Deborah A. Bailey Blog.
Thank you for your interest in hosting this tour, but all the stops have now been filled.

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual Book Blast Tour for The Lonely Australian of the Asian Night by Gregory Pakis, a crime/travel short story available August 14. The Book Blast Tour will take place on August 14 - August 20. This tour will not include interviews or guest blogs; however, a blurb, excerpt and author bio will be provided to every host for inclusion on their blog. A PDF copy of the book is available for review.

The author will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn host.

Hookers and hawkers.
Mosques and mosquitos.
Paul has had enough of Southeast Asia.
He's only here ‘cos it's cheap.
He's on the run from police after leaving Australia.
No, that place wasn't much better either.
Well, it was when he was young.
When his life was full of promise. An up-and-coming boxer. And he had friends. And fun.
Then a bit of bad luck later and he found himself on the run in outback Australia. Paranoid. Hiding from shadows. The heat. The dust. The sweat.

Next stop, Southeast Asia.

August 14

1. Country Mamas With Kids review
2. Christine Young
3. With Lurv
4. Westveil Publishing
5.  Stormy Nights Reviewing & Bloggin'
6. Long and Short Reviews
7. Tina Donahue Books - Heat with Heart

August 15

1. Fabulous and Brunette
2. Momma Says: To Read or Not to Read
3. fundinmental
4. Welcome to My World of Dreams
5. Wendi Zwaduk - Romance to Make Your Heart Race
6. Our Town Book Reviews
7. Sapphyria's Books

August 16

1. The Faerie Review
2. Literary Gold
3. Beautiful Books
4.A Wonderful World of Words
5. It's Raining Books
6. Girl with Pen
7. Hollies, Happiness, and Healing

August 19

1.Guatemala Paula Loves to Read review
2. The Avid Reader
3. Sandra's Book Club
4. Iron Canuck Reviews & More
5. Beyond Romance
6. Straight from the Library
7. Author C.A.Milson

August 20

1. Locks, Hooks and Books
2. Kenyan Poet
3. Dawn's Reading Nook
4. Joanne Guidoccio
5. Hope. Dreams. Life... Love
6. Author Deborah A. Bailey Blog
7. Sea's Nod